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Created 5th June 2005

Today is Thursday, March 27, 2025, 19:05 (UTC/GMT).
There are 6,973,192 articles on the English Wikipedia.
Tip of the moment...
How to add hidden editor notes in an article

Have you ever needed to post an important message to all editors about an article, on the article itself, but thought it would stick out like a sore thumb and ruin the article if you did? Are you reverting many edits on an article because editors just aren't seeing the important message or special instructions on the talk page?

The solution is that you can insert hidden text in the article! That way, only the people editing the page will see your message! Here is how to insert a hidden comment:

  1. First, begin the comment by typing <!--
  2. Once you have done that, type what you need the editors to read
  3. Then, end the comment by typing -->

Once you have completed those 3 easy steps, you won't be reverting as many mistakes!

For example, the following hidden comment has been used in the Meaning of life article, in the Popular views section:

<!--Please do not add 42 in this section. It is covered under the section titled "Popular culture treatments". Thank you.-->

Some more examples of pages that have hidden messages include:

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